Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dear Sgt. Murphy

Sgt. Sean Murphy, a state police photographer released photos of suspect terrorist number 2* during his capture. Murphy stated "This guy is evil. This is the real Boston Bomber. Not someone fluffed and buffed for the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine."

 Dear Sgt. Murphy,
What you did by releasing those photos, is commendable.  I thank you for showing pictures of a coward, hiding after killing and injuring so many while a magazine posted a self taken photo of said coward looking calm and in a relaxed state.  While Rolling Stone apparently tried to show terrorists don't all look the same, you succeeded in doing so without offending or down playing the horrific act that was done to innocent people. Those pictures showed what terrorists look like when they are caught by the brave and fast acting law enforcement.  Seeing the picture of him bloody, tired and with a target on his head solidified the fact that Boston is strong and will not stand for terrorist acts.  It solidified the fact that many brave men and women, yourself included, will stop at nothing to stop a terrorist from attacking our great city.  You sir, are a man so many in Boston are thankful for and proud of.  I hope one day i get the opportunity and pleasure of buying you a beer.

*[i refuse to use that killers name. He does not deserve to still be living let alone be called anything other than what he is, a terrorist.  I don't even like to use suspect.]

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