Sunday, February 9, 2014

PSA to all the fellas

It's that time again, where girls will get all hyped over flowers and the lines at CVS are crowded with men buying cards and the red hearts of Russell Stover chocolates. 

Now, with all the pressure from their partners and commericals men are sure to be confused.  Allow me to help.

There has been a few ads I've seen and I want to do the men a solid and help you out. You may have seen the ad for " The Pulse Diamond Jewelry Collection".  No. Just don't do it.  Don't put any more thought. Just don't. 

If you are using this time to propose- be original.  There is yet another commercial that is awful.  He takes his girlfriend into the mall, in a Zales or kay jewelers, she tries on a ring then he asks her. NO.

I don't care if you met in a mall. NO. I don't care if she loves shopping. NO. I don't care if you own the damn mall and its shut down for the day and it has Startships " nothing's gonna stop us" like the movie Mannequin. NO. Doesn't matter what you think of to justify to do  it there - just no.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


The very smart Albert Einstein is quoted as saying " Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Another very smart person is quoted as saying " if it makes you happy, it can't be that bad."  Yes, that person is Sheryl Crow. 

so who do i listen to when I want to eat some candy while trying to get in shape?! Something tells me these two would have drastically different answers. In the meantime , i'll eat the candy.

Everything in life is based on perception.  You'll always be given different kinds of advice, different perceptions, different opinions of what is right or wrong for you.  At the end of the day, your perception is the only one to go by.  You may share parts of your life with your friends, lover, family- but only you know it all, and your feelings of it all.  Everyone has their own gut to go by.  The point is, two important people in your life can have drastically different perceptions of things, and their perceptions may differ from your own.  

Take the advice, view the perception their way, then do what you feel is right. At the end of the day, you're the one living your life. Life it for yourself. Make yourself happy and don't give a shit if you're happiness isn't what someone else pictured for you.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kanye's new video: Kim's breasts aren't the biggest boob in it

Thoughts on Kimye's new video:

-I think Kanye is upset he never got the cool backgrounds in school pictures so his new video he used allll the corny ones he could find. 
-woah! that director made him driving a motorcycle look SO real.  [dare you to try to say that with a straight face- it's impossible]
-Why must he end like 8 sentences in a row with the same word? 
-oh, and he wants to bang her on the sink? so sexy to have sex on a sink in your fiance's mothers house with her family and all of E! network. 
-his music was better when he was singing about a wired jaw

btw: Kim's last home video was better. and that's upsetting.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

bitches be cray

I constantly hear from guys and girls alike the phrase "that girl is crazy!" Sometimes it's just a phrase and sometimes, it's so much more. I've had countless discussions with people about the kinds of crazy and compiled a list. 

type A:  Situational "crazy".  I wouldn't even really classify it as crazy but whatev. This girl is the kind that has no crazy until something finally makes her snap and seem crazy.  Most times it's some prick who pushes her to the point of snapping then labels her crazy. Only so many times you can poke a bear.  Once that situation is over- so is the crazy.

type B:  The closet crazy. These girls pretend they aren't crazy but their closest friends know the real deal.  They act like they don't go crazy but they just know how to hide and and put on an act.

Type C: Bat-shit-no-denying-crazy.  These are the girls who give the rest of us a bad rep. The sun could be shining and birds singing her name and she'll still find something and everything to bitch about.  These girls are never satisfied about anything, but blame everyone else. Crazy. 

There is one girl I met who isn't any of these- not even the situational crazy.  She doesn't have any crazy. what?! She goes by the name of KMAC.  I'm not sure she's actually human.  I mean what girl doesn't act "crazy" sometimes? This girl. I don't think she should even count tho- I'm starting to be convinced she is some type of unicorn.  Sorry fellas, this gorg unicorn was already rewarded for her anti crazy self with a shiny diamond ring. Teach the world your ways kmac, teach us your ways.

Monday, October 14, 2013

DNA: not just in your body..but in your phone!

We all have that friend/s who calls and you know the second you pick up your stuck talking aka listening to them for 25+ minutes.  I used to put these people in my phone as their real name, until my dad taught me a trick.  [ hey dad! thanks! ]  He told me to add "DNA" after their name.  DNA standing for do not answer.  It just gives me that reminder that if I don't have the time..this isn't the call to answer.

There are a few people that meet the criteria as a DNA caller:

1. The one that doesn't let you get a word in edgewise.  Those are the calls that if I do happen to answer, I just set it down and continue on what I was doing, giving the occasional actively listening phrase. 

2. The one who you see on caller id and immediately the Sarah McLaughlin commercial pops into your head.  The one that with that first note of the song "Arms of an Angel" you want to bail out and not even see what's coming.

3. The one upper.  You could say something outlandish like you got bit in the ass by a rabid porcupine - and they cut you off to tell how they got half their ass chewed off by part gazelle part panther.

PERFECT DNA recipients. Thanks Dad, you've saved me some serious talk time :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013



They make the dumbest crap these days. Save yourself the $19.99 and stick your hair in a tupperware container then blow dry. Same effect.

Friday, October 4, 2013

We were the lucky ones

Maybe I'll regret being this vulnerable so public and maybe I won't. Maybe I'll just feel better. September 30th, 2002 my brother Dennis died. And I was changed. My family was changed. The world was changed. Nothing will ever feel as happy as it would if he were here to share it with, but then again nothing will ever feel as bad as losing him.
The world was whole on morning of September 27th, our family was whole. A horrible accident ripped us apart. It was like we were a puzzle, we had visible cracks, but we held together tight trying to keep all our pieces together. One of our pieces fell out Sept. 30th. Nothing fit back the same. No matter how many different ways we moved things around and tried to put it back together, nothing ever fit back how it's supposed to. It never gets easier, ever. That's a little white lie people say to make it seem less permanent. But that is just what is it- permanent. After awhile you just get used to the ache. You get used to the pain that hurts so bad you can physically feel it. You just learn to live with a piece of you missing.

I won't sit here and say we were perfect and we never fought, because we weren't and we did. But we all loved with everything in our heart and soul. That's the thing about death, you can have an infinite amount of love for someone but that doesn't guarantee they won't be taken away. It's painfully true that life doesn't stop for anybody, or anything. The only guarantee is that it keeps going, a new day begins, regardless of who got knocked down, regardless of who doesn't get to see a new day.
Driving home from the hospital, or driving to the funeral, or driving home countless nights since- it has hit all of us at different times over the years that while our whole world slowed down and has been painfully moving in a different way- the rest of the world continued on like normal. It's a strange feeling. It's hard to grasp that while our lives were turned upside down life didn't care. Driving home this past Monday night, crying alone in my car in traffic, I couldn't help but look at the people in the other cars, smiling and singing or at least not crying, and be a little jealous that the day to them wasn't forever deemed a tragic day with a horrible heartbreaking memory.

Every year around this time, I think constantly about how I can evolve and be a better sister, daughter, auntie, friend and girlfriend. It's human nature to get wrapped up in life and our routines that we forget to take a minute and just soak it all in. I'm just as guilty of doing this. I think a lot of times we just expect there always to be another tomorrow to make that phone call, another day to mend ways, another day to call your family just to say "hi, i love you." I wish I knew the last time I talked to Dennis it would be my last time. I would have listened harder to his laugh and memorized it, I would have kept telling him " I love you", I would have told him what an amazing person he is and how much I wanted to be like him. I wouldn't have just assumed he knew, which I know he does. But I would have said it out loud. I would have stayed on the phone just listening to his voice. But I didn't know, and that's my whole point. You never do know. This year I really am going to make more of an effort to just say what I want to say and not wait for "another day." I'm going to make more of an effort to soak things up and make memories stick. Do the same. I can't say enough how much I wish I had realized this eleven years ago. Just do the same. Believe me when I tell you, if you don't get "another day" it will haunt you. Do what you want with this advice, read it, share it, do anything but ignore it.

We are a family. It always was the five of us, it always will be the five of us. We're a little broken but like my sister Colleen pointed out- we're the lucky ones. We got to love Dennis for 23 years. We get to go on having a piece of him with us. We can be upset that our kids, boyfriends, girlfriends, whomever never got to meet him, but that just means he was that important to us that we feel so sad for those who didn't get to love him. He's our brother. He's our childhood. He's our history. We are the lucky ones.