Tuesday, October 15, 2013

bitches be cray

I constantly hear from guys and girls alike the phrase "that girl is crazy!" Sometimes it's just a phrase and sometimes, it's so much more. I've had countless discussions with people about the kinds of crazy and compiled a list. 

type A:  Situational "crazy".  I wouldn't even really classify it as crazy but whatev. This girl is the kind that has no crazy until something finally makes her snap and seem crazy.  Most times it's some prick who pushes her to the point of snapping then labels her crazy. Only so many times you can poke a bear.  Once that situation is over- so is the crazy.

type B:  The closet crazy. These girls pretend they aren't crazy but their closest friends know the real deal.  They act like they don't go crazy but they just know how to hide and and put on an act.

Type C: Bat-shit-no-denying-crazy.  These are the girls who give the rest of us a bad rep. The sun could be shining and birds singing her name and she'll still find something and everything to bitch about.  These girls are never satisfied about anything, but blame everyone else. Crazy. 

There is one girl I met who isn't any of these- not even the situational crazy.  She doesn't have any crazy. what?! She goes by the name of KMAC.  I'm not sure she's actually human.  I mean what girl doesn't act "crazy" sometimes? This girl. I don't think she should even count tho- I'm starting to be convinced she is some type of unicorn.  Sorry fellas, this gorg unicorn was already rewarded for her anti crazy self with a shiny diamond ring. Teach the world your ways kmac, teach us your ways.

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